Skip to main content History & Mission
Founded in 1919 as the Glass Container Association of America, the Glass Packaging Institute (GPI) is the trade association representing the North American glass container industry. On behalf of glass container manufacturers and their supply chain partners, GPI promotes glass as the optimal packaging choice, advances environmental and recycling policies, advocates industry standards, and educates packaging professionals.
GPI Member Companies
GPI members consist of companies that make up the vast majority of North America's leading glass container manufacturing companies including Ardagh Glass, Arglass Yamamura, O-I Glass, Gallo Glass, Anchor Glass Container, Rocky Mountain Bottle.
Additionally, GPI Members include global glass manufacturing companies with US distribution networks: Heinz-Glas USA, Saverglass, Stoelzle Verallia, Heinz-Glas USA.
We currently have 26 supplier member companies, and growing, several of which are in-house equipment, technology and service providers to the glass companies (i.e., labeling, decoration and corrugated), as well as raw materials (sand, soda ash, limestone and recycled glass).
GPI works with and on behalf of member companies in three primary areas:
Promotion of glass as a preferred packaging option to brands - supported by marketing, consumer research, awards recognition, and other communications pieces for use by GPI members.
Engagement in federal, state and local policies on a range of packaging and supply chain related issues.
Addressing glass recycling and sustainability issues across the country, including specific projects related to filling glass recycling gaps.
GPI's Commitment to a Circular Economy
GPI, in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) developed a ten-year plan to raise the US’s glass recycling rate to 50%. To access the full report, click here.